Licensed since 1966 - commencing
with a Limited licence and moving to a Full
call in 1980.
FOX Hunting
Have been a member
of a team in the Melbourne, Victoria monthly 2 metre fox hunts for the
last 47
years. Have a look at the VK3VT Fox Hunt Beam that is
used by most of the teams in the Melbourne area. For those
looking for details of Ian VK3MZ's 80M ARDF Receiver, a copy of the article
is available here (PDF - about 1.4 Meg)
One form of two metre sniffer uses a "mixer Box" ahead of a hand held transceiver. The one I have used came from the 1995 ARRL Handbook the article is here
Mixer Box Attenuator
When hunting on 10M we use an amplified loop that was described by Gil Sones VK3AUI (SK) in Amateur Radio Magazine April 1979. A copy of his article is available here
10M DF Loop
Member of the North East Radio Group since it started in 1983. See the NERG web site.
Melbourne fox hunting details such as scores and the fox calculator are
now available from the Victorian ARDF Group Click on "Fox Hunting" near
the top of their page.
vk3vt at nerg dot asn dot au or greg at vk3vt dot net
Last Revised: 12/5/2024